My buddy Dane Maxwell posted this question on facebook the other day and it got me to stop and think about what I really crave most in life…
What do you desperately yearn and hunger for… and can never get enough?
For me, the answer was:
Deep connection.
Deep, rich, and expansive connection.
Now, here’s where I took it one step deeper…
If I know that THIS is the very thing that my soul craves the most, how do I setup a game for myself where I can have more and more of this in my life?
And how different would my life be if I actually designed it around having more of this in my life?
(Turns out I’ve already been doing it!)
And let me tell you, my life’s been really fucking awesome.
It’s full of amazingly deep, rich and expansive connections with women, friends, clients, and even acquaintances.
So I want to invite you to do the same thing
Step 1) Answer this question:
What do you deeply crave and hunger for… and can never get enough of?
Step 2) Design your life around it by asking yourself a second question:
How can I create an intoxicatingly addicting “game” for myself to play that will give me more and more of this?
If I can create an environment where I get all of this AND it serves my sense of personal freedom around expressing the fullness of who I am, sharing my authentic gifts and ways in which I like to love, AND it makes me money too – then that’s just fucking beautiful.
When all of this is aligned and reinforcing everything together – in a way where “all serves all” – it truly becomes an “addicting game” that I LOVE to play.
Note: this idea of setting up your life in a way where “all serves all” is a concept that I got from another close friend and mentor of mine – Spencer Burnett.
Awesome guy and deep soul brother. Check him out at