The Simple 3 Step “Sales Funnel Formula” That Will Finally Help You Break Free

If you want to build a successful business, just work this ONE simple formula and you’ll be able to achieve all the goals that you’ve set for yourself.


This has the power to change your entire life and your business.

Here it is:

Are you ready?

Here are the only 3 things you need to focus on:

1. ONE Offer

AKA: What you’re selling

Examples: A Product/Service

More specifically: An eBook, A Supplement, A Physical Product, An Online Video Course, An Audiobook, A Group Coaching Program, A 1 on 1 Coaching Package,
A High-End Mastermind, A Monthly Service, A Consulting Package, etc

2. ONE Sales Vehicle

AKA: What you’re using to sell it

Examples: A Salesletter, A Webinar, A VSL, One-On-One Sales Call, etc

3. ONE Traffic Source

AKA: Where you’re finding the people to sell it to

Examples: Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, SEO, JV’s and Affiliates, Direct Mail, Yelp, Twitter, Instagram, etc

Simple enough, right?

So here’s what you do:

All you have to do is decide on ONE thing for each of these 3 things.

And then you use the combination of those 3 things to sell whatever it is you’re selling.

Then you optimize it until you finally “crack the code” and get a system that’s working.

This is honestly the ONLY thing you need to focus on when starting out

People will try to sway you every which way and tell you that you need this or you need that

But the truth is, you don’t.

This is really the ONLY thing you need to do in order to scale your business to 6 and 7 figures.

In fact, I built my business to 7 figures just using this ONE simple formula

Now, you may require some additional trainings and coaching on the specific steps WITHIN this formula – but these are the ONLY 3 things that you actually need to focus on when starting out

If you need any specific help with any of the 3 things, feel free to comment below or reach out for some consulting and coaching.

Best of luck!


PS: Don’t let the simplicity of this fool you. It really is THIS simple. It just takes a lot of work to actually WORK the system and get it right.

If you need any help along the way, please reach out to me here

I choose expansion…

This originally started as a note on my iPhone to myself about how I “should” do certain things in order to grow my business.

However, I noticed that my language and word choice wasn’t serving me – and made the whole process feel heavy – so I quickly reframed my long list of “shoulds” into positive and empowering statements that actually inspire me

This was a real-time application of something that I talked about in another blog post that I wrote here

Here’s what I came up with (as you read through it, see how you can apply this type of conscious language choice in your life and business goals as well)

I choose to create a big, strong and compelling vision around the change that I want to see in the world

I choose to attract a group of people who share a similar vision in life and want to help spread the change that we both want to see in the world (collaborators and cause partners)

I choose to attract a team of people who see and believe in the depth of my genius and trust that it would do great things if fully harnessed, channelled and delivered (both for us and for the world)

I choose to attract a team of people who have a complimentary genius (and want to work together to do great things in the world)

It feels really empowering to go back and read that.

In fact, I already see a lot of it happening.

(And I just wrote these intentions a few days ago)

I think a lot of it has to do with the very intentional language I used.

This post originally started out with a bunch of statements around how I need to do all these things that I was feeling like I was “behind” on doing – and that started to create a feeling of dread.

Then, once I reframed it, it actually started to feel like a pleasant and empowering possibility for myself.

Now that I look back at it, I realize that I’ve been taking positive actions towards these statements without having to use any conscious “will” or “force”

It just feels like the natural course of action now.

And I think it’s because that’s what my subconscious mind has been processing and working on, after I had properly directed it.

If there’s a certain area of your life that you’d like to achieve more in, or that you’re feeling stuck about, make sure you pay close attention to the way you use your language around it.

Sometimes, a simple yet powerful shift in your language is all you really need to get yourself to flowing on a more positive trajectory.

I talk more about that in the blog I wrote here, as well as how to reframe your challenges into positive constructive statements that you can use to create your life in the most effective way possible

To learn more about how to do that, just click here

The 6 Figure Funnel Formula?

“How To Set-Up Your First Profitable Online Sales Funnel…
With Less Than $100 In Easy-To-Use Tools
In The Next 30 Days!”

This is a free 3 part video series by my friend Todd Brown

If you’re struggling to convert your website visitors into sales, or if you’re just not happy with the amount of money that you’re currently making online, this free video training series will show you exactly what you need to do to build a highly profitable sales funnel online.

Click here to check it out

Note: this is not an affiliate link and I don’t get compensated for sharing this in any way.

I just think that this is the best training program out there for people who are trying to build a sales funnel online.

In fact, just the free 3 part video training ALONE is better than most of the paid courses out there

Click here to watch it now

The Simplest Path To Building A Successful Online Marketing & Sales System (AKA: A Funnel That Sets You Free)

Do you want to know the simplest path to building a successful marketing and sales system?

If you want to build a successful business, all you have to do is work this ONE simple formula and you’ll be able to achieve all the goals that you’ve ever set for yourself.


This has the power to change your entire life and your business.

Are you ready for it?

Here it is:

The are the ONLY 3 things you need to focus on to grow your business.

1. ONE Offer

AKA: What you’re selling

Examples: A Product/Service

More specifically: An eBook, A Supplement, A Physical Product, An Online Video Course, An Audiobook, A Group Coaching Program, A 1 on 1 Coaching Package,
A High-End Mastermind, A Monthly Service, A Consulting Package, etc

2. ONE Sales Vehicle

AKA: What you’re using to sell it

Examples: A Salesletter, A Webinar, A VSL, One-On-One Sales Call, etc

3. ONE Traffic Source

AKA: Where you’re finding the people to sell it to

Examples: Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, SEO, JV’s and Affiliates, Direct Mail, Yelp, Twitter, Instagram, etc

Simple enough, right?

So here’s what you do:

All you have to do is decide on ONE thing for each of these 3 things.

And then you use the combination of those 3 things to sell whatever it is you’re selling.

Then you optimize it until you finally “crack the code” and get a system that’s working.

This is honestly the ONLY thing you need to focus on when starting out

People will try to sway you every which way and tell you that you need this or you need that

But the truth is, you don’t.

This is really the ONLY thing you need to do in order to scale your business to 6 and 7 figures.

In fact, I built my business to 7 figures just using this ONE simple formula

Now, you may require some additional trainings and coaching on the specific steps WITHIN this formula – but these are the ONLY 3 things that you actually need to focus on when starting out

If you need any specific help with any of the 3 things, feel free to comment below or reach out for some consulting and coaching.

Best of luck!


PS: Don’t let the simplicity of this fool you. It really is THIS simple. It just takes a lot of work to actually WORK the system and get it right.

If you need any help along the way, please reach out to me here