On The Nature of Longing…

Longing is such a fascinating phenomenon.

My friend, and amazing co-worker, Sarah wrote a beautiful poem about the nature of Longing, that I feel inspired to share with you here:

Can you feel it?

The desperate longing,

our innate

cyclical need

to be seen.
Can you uncover?
That beneath
the seemingly
illusionary void
lies an equation
that only our own heart
can solve.
Can you love?
Can you show compassion?
Can you hold sacred space?

For your pain

For your suffering


Can you feel?

How worthy you are

of enveloping every expression

of your beingness

in love.

With a deep breath

and an even deeper surrender

of self judgement,

RECEIVE your self love.

So beautiful, huh?

Longing is such a fascinating phenomenon.

I’ve met myself so deeply in these moments of longing.

Such tough and tender times.

And also a beautiful time to plant the seeds for what can be an endlessly-flowing fountain of self-love and self-acceptance.

I know it has been, for me.

What a beautifully wretched gift – to long for something so deeply, that you have no choice but to hold space for that longing within your own heart, as it beats and longs for something outside of this present moment.

What a beautiful and sacred practice it is to really set in the center of that longing, and to be present to the arising feelings, needs, and sensations as they are arising.

Thi sis what allows us to experience the actual felt-sense of longing to the fullest, in this moment.

And, in essence, seeing ourselves in how desperately we long to be seen.

And therefore we are seeing ourselves, and meeting that need.

It’s such a wacky ass-backwards kind of idea when you really think about it

But it’s kind of cool at the same time, too.


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